We love our community and we are always involved in supporting and celebrating the people and organizations in our surrounding area that inspire us every day. From saving animals to fighting cancer, these folks astonish us. We encourage you to check out their campaigns, join their communities and help spread kindness, wellness and community spirit here in our beloved Ottawa.
On November 13, 2010, 14-year-old Daron Richardson died by suicide. From this tragedy came a movement to transform youth mental health. Spearheaded by Daron’s parents Luke and Stephanie Richardson, who decided to transform their very private pain into a public call-to-action, a decision was made to support young people who suffer in silence from the pain and stigma of mental illness. Supported by the energy and efforts of dozens of Daron’s close friends and classmates, a grassroots movement was formed with the mission of creating awareness, inspiring conversations, and transforming youth mental health.
The Royal’s Inspiration Awards are a celebration of the incredible contributions being made to the mental health cause. People are sharing their stories and motivating others to take action. Young people are engaging their peers in discussions about the importance of mental health. Leaders in the business world are galvanizing colleagues to support further advances in mental health care. Researchers are undeterred in their pursuit for more knowledge about the complex workings of the brain.
The emergency evacuation of our walkathon and run event left us with a considerable shortfall but you wouldn’t give up! And by doubling your awesome you’ve made sure that every animal will receive the loving care they needed. Thank you for always putting Ottawa’s animals first!
Our 27th annual Wiggle Waggle Walkathon and our 3rd annual Run for the Animals were not a washout – we couldn’t have done it without you.
The Alive to Strive Kidney Fitness Project is a non-profit organization committed to education and public awareness about issues surrounding chronic kidney disease and its prevention. The organization also operates an Active Living Grant Program benefiting those living with chronic kidney disease and hosts an annual run to raise awareness of kidney health and support related services and research.
Ottawa Nepean Canadian Sportsclub
No-one could have imagined back in 1979 as a few pals sat around having a cold one (or two), and started talking about doing something for the Ottawa sporting community at the amateur level, that more than three decades later, some guys barely into their teens back then, would have stepped up to continue what has become a staple in the Ottawa sporting community. Or that the Ottawa Nepean Canadians Sports Club Inc. would be moving into its fourth decade of service to the community on such solid footing and sound principles, the very same principles that led to the formation of the Sports Club, initially to help out some friends in local baseball, and later to help as many as possible.
The Community Cup event started in Ottawa in 2005 as a small soccer tournament for new immigrants, organized by the Catholic Centre for Immigrants. The objective is to connect newcomers to non-newcomers, create friendships, and to celebrate Ottawa’s welcoming community. Over the years it has developed into a full blown community festival with over 2,000 visitors.
Partners for Mental Health
Through partnerships, public engagement and strategic initiatives, Partners for Mental Health seeks to transform the way Canadians think about, act towards and support mental health and people living with a mental illness.
A national charity accredited by Imagine Canada’s Standards Program, Partners for Mental Health aims to improve mental health in Canada by mobilizing and engaging Canadians to drive fundamental changes.
Michael Meehan is fighting Leukemia once again. Let’s fight with him by showing our support.